Insect Manure – A Climate Solution to Agricultural Emissions
For every ton of chemical fertiliser used in agriculture, 10-12 tons of CO2e is released which lingers in the atmosphere for 200-300 years longer than methane, increasing global temperatures.
Soil is a living system. A world of organisms with symbiotic relationships that support the growth of plants, to feed us, recycle nutrients from decomposing plants, provide structure and water holding capacity to our land, control diseases and pests and sequester carbon.
Soil health is critical to food security and the nutrient density of what we are consuming. By over-tilling and stripping our soil, the vegetables we grow are not as nutritious as they could be, in fact, they are “50% less nutrient dense than they were in the 1970s”.
Replenishing our soil is essential and Insect Frass (aka manure) recharges this thriving biological system that our soil needs.
The next best thing since discovering the golden ratio is that of the composition of Frass - namely, Chitin, a polysaccharide from insect shells, which boosts plant health and immunity, while being a feed source for fungi in soils and encouraging the conversion and fixing of nitrogen. Combined with a supercharge of microbes and a balanced quantity of carbon and NPK, frass supports nature’s underground nitrogen cycle.
The result? Healthy soils and produce exploding with flavour, just like nature intended.
The balance of our climate, ecosystems, food security, global economy and health are all on the line. By including a 100% natural fertiliser into agriculture, more carbon is absorbed by plants and sequestered from the air resulting in healthier food systems, atmosphere and humans.
Contact us to learn how you can incorporate Viridian's high-quality Insect Frass into your new or existing product formulations or to participate in trials.